Financial Parenting Skills

The Power of Financial Parenting

1. What financial habits or beliefs are you teaching your children? 

2. How do you want your children to relate with money when they grow up? 

3. Are you teaching your children how to network, save, and invest their little savings? 

These and many other critical questions highlight the power of financial parenting. Your children aren't too young to learn about money. The first school where a child learns about how money works is at home.  The other modelling schools are: the neighbourhood, peer group,  mass media, traditional school system and the church/mosque.

Three Key Financial Lessons 

1. Teach your children by example. Teach them about savings,  open  a cub or jumbo junior bank account in your name using their birth certificate and reward them gradually to reinforce the saving habit. 

2. Guide them in drawing a budget. Show them how you budget for domestic expenses and take them to the shop or suppermarket. Let them pick budgeted items and do the calculations as per the  available money and the spending plan. Watch them and allow them enjoy the experience as you guide where necessary. 

3. Show them how you do your business, or earn your income. Lead them to your office, where you buy goods from or how you do consultancy and where you save and how you invest your money e.g. Mshwari Lock Savings Account,  bank account,  stock market,  unit trusts, government securities, property and real estate. 

Food for thought

1. "Train a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,  he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6

2. "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Prov. 13:22




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