
Showing posts from October, 2020

What "Mastering Your Money" contains


Egesa FM Talkshow: Five Wise Ways of Protecting Our Assets

 My Presentation at Egesa FM Kanyeka Talkshow on Monday 12th Oct. 2020 at 9.30pm Host: Sorobi Moturi Erastus  Guest: Chacha Nyaigoti Bichang'a, Personal Financial Coach & Author of "Mastering Your Money" Topic: Wise Ways of Protecting Our Assets Key areas of focus 1. Meaning of the term "asset" and "asset protection" 2. Examples of assets  3. Why we need to protect assets 4. 5 main ways of protecting assets 5. Parting shot/conclusion Meaning of an asset An asset is anything you own that has monetary value and can generate income.  * Examples: livestock,  crops, trees, chicken,  handcart/mkokoteni,  motor cycle, business of any kind, rental house or building (not residential one),  land (leasing or farming, not an idle land), stocks,  unit trusts,  govt securities, savings in bank accounts (earning interest) etc.  Asset protection means the process of safeguarding our assets from wastage or any unforeseen loss due to theft, death...

Saturday Nation Interview: What I Know about Money

  Saturday Nation Magazine Question and Answer Session with   Personal Finance Columnist Kinuthia Mburu on 3rd October, 2020   1). What is your name, where do you work and what position do you occupy there? What's the business all about? What does it deal in? What makes your business unique? My name is Chacha Nyaigoti Bichang’a , a Lecturer, Trade Unionist and a Personal Financial Coach. I am the Founding CEO of Chachanomics Limited, a Consulting Company that offers mentorship and coaching programmes. Our mentorship and coaching programmes are unique because we not only focus on personal financial management, but also mental and relationship wellness to ensure that our clients undergo a wholistic transformation. We offer one-on-one coaching sessions, 3 – 6 months’ personal financial and life skills training, corporate and institutional talks. 2). What has been your greatest milestone and how did you come to achieve it? (Please be detailed with a personal exampl...