Improving Your Relationship with Money
How Can You Improve the Way You Relate with Money? Most people have a love-hate relationship with money. This unhealthy relationship with money is largely caused by our past experiences about money when we were young and growing up that formed our financial beliefs. Our beliefs in turn created our thoughts which ultimately influence our actions and behaviour patterns. For instance, if you were told "Money is scarce and evil", you grew up believing "Money is not enough and is a bad thing". This in turn will influence your thinking, "I cannot make more money." Eventually, you will end up spending recklessly without a budget, buying liabilities and being heavily trapped in a vicious of bad debts. Three critical question to reflect on: 1. If money were to describe you, what will it say about how you handle it? 2. Is your relationship with money healthy or unhealthy? 3. How can you improve the way in which you relate with money? If money were asked to desc...